I’ve Got Your Missing Links Right Here (31 May 2014)
I’ve Got Your Missing Links Right Here (31 May 2014)
I’ve Got Your Missing Links Right Here (31 May 2014)
Top picks Take a few minutes to listen to Jon Mooallem’s talk on the origin of teddy bears, and the stories we tell about wild animals Why it’s so hard for men to see misogyny: Amanda Hess on the eye-opening #YesAllWomen hashtag This sea creature lives life nearly invisible–until you touch it. Marmoset triplets provide […]
Chimerism, or How a marmoset’s sperm is really his brother’s
Chimerism, or How a marmoset’s sperm is really his brother’s
Chimerism, or How a marmoset’s sperm is really his brother’s
There’s a glut of awesome science coming out towards the end of this week and not much at the start, so I’m sticking the Revisited post up early (it’s usually on a Saturday) to clear the schedule later. Imagine you are a man who has just learned, through a genetic test, that your son carried […]
Tomorrow’s double feature: Virus traps and marmoset chimeras
Tomorrow’s double feature: Virus traps and marmoset chimeras
Tomorrow’s double feature: Virus traps and marmoset chimeras
Before I head for Utah, let me direct your attention to two articles of mine in tomorrow’s New York Times. They don’t have a whole lot in common except they are examples of cool biology… 1. Virus traps. Here’s a case where ecology, evolution, and medicine all come together in an intriguing mix. You can […]