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Who Gets On the Shelf?March 21, 2005 – Panda’s Thumb has an update on the ongoing drama over teaching creationism in public schools taking place in York, Pennsylvania. Last year a group of residents donated 58 copies of a creationst book called Of Pandas and People to the local school. The board of education reviewed them and gave them the green light. The […]
Jenss Family Travels: Inside ChinaOctober 01, 2008 – I’ve always thought there were two types of international travelers in this world: those who go with organized tour groups and those who don’t. Carol and I would vehemently classify ourselves as the latter. Following a predetermined timetable or sticking to a daily schedule was not a way we typically chose to explore a new…
Ms. Schlafly, You Receive an FDecember 29, 2004 – Phyllis Schlafly has suddenly become interested in evolution! She has written the most staggering display of buffoonery on the subject that I’ve read in a long time. She can’t even tell the difference between Darwin and Lamarck–seriously. At least Steve Reuland at Panda’s Thumb can dismantle this ignorant nonsense while retaining his sense of humor.
Spring Fever: Top 10 (Cute) Animal VideosApril 13, 2009 – Text by Andrea Minarcek. Read previous ADVENTURE Top 10 lists. We know. We know what you’re thinking: What in the heck do cutesy animal videos have to do with ADVENTURE? Well, in our defense, baby animals are synonymous with spring and they love the outdoors. That's just a fact. And after last week’s spring-fever-prompted Top 10…
"Living Fossil" Fish Making Last Stand in ChinaAugust 15, 2007 – The half-ton fish are known as China's pandas under the water, but they'll soon vanish from the wild unless a new breeding program can save it. Third in a series on megafishes.
What's The Science Word of Summer?July 10, 2008 – My brother Ben, all-around word maven, blogs both at Language Log and at Visual Thesaurus, where he’s an executive producer. He also writes for places like Slate and the Boston Globe, where he just wrote about the word of summer–skadoosh, from the movie Kung-Fu Panda. (I tagged along with Ben for the arduous fieldwork for […]