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How a legendary camera changed our ocean viewNovember 18, 2021 – In the 1960s, Jacques Cousteau envisioned a camera that would revolutionize underwater photography and take us to new depths of ocean exploration.
Enric Sala: Working to protect vital ocean ecosystemsMarch 25, 2021 – His ocean conservation project with National Geographic has helped to protect more than six million square kilometers of ocean.
National Geographic Society | Impact | OceanThrough grants and impact investments, the National Geographic Society supports an international community of scientists, educators, storytellers, conservationists, technologists, and many others.
Crashing Ocean Image | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayAn enormous wave batters a lighthouse in Bulgaria in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
The Arctic Ocean, explainedMarch 29, 2019 – The Arctic Ocean may be the world's smallest, but it's becoming a critical region as climate change warms it more quickly than anywhere else on Earth.
The Atlantic Ocean, explainedMarch 18, 2019 – The second-largest ocean on Earth, the Atlantic drives our weather patterns, including hurricanes, and is home to many species from sea turtles to dolphins.
The Pacific Ocean, explainedMarch 04, 2019 – The largest ocean on Earth is filled with mysteries, but also subject to great pressures like climate change, plastic pollution, and overfishing.
How a dramatic win in plastic waste case may curb ocean pollutionFebruary 22, 2022 – A major citizen suit against a giant plastics company resulted in a huge payout and a commitment to do better. The case has set off ripples of change across an industry that often pollutes with impunity.
Climate change will shift the oceans’ colorsJuly 21, 2023 – In the next century, satellites will watch as the ocean's blues and greens intensify.
Scientists discover creatures living beneath the bottom of the deep seaOctober 15, 2024 – Tubeworm larvae, sea snails, and marine worms were uncovered living in tiny caves underneath the ocean floor, revealing life is interconnected below and above it.
What's new in Indian Ocean destinations, from hotels to activitiesAugust 14, 2023 – The latest from the Indian ocean, including family-friendly resorts and wildlife-watching tours.
Africa's vultures are disappearing. A series of disasters could follow.January 04, 2024 – In the “most complete picture” to date, scientists evaluated the health of 42 bird species across the continent—and found losses of up to 97 percent.
Earth has lost and gained many oceans. Here's where a new one might appear next.June 08, 2021 – Geologic clues from our planet’s distant past reveal that today’s coastlines won’t last forever—but others will arise to take their place.
Ocean Pool Image | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayWaves crash in and around a public ocean pool in Sydney, Australia, in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
Real desert islands: 10 remote getaways in the Indian OceanSeptember 18, 2023 – Whether you want a slow pace of life or to surf off white-sand beaches, find your perfect remote getaway in the Indian Ocean.
4 active family adventures in the Indian OceanSeptember 27, 2023 – From cruising India to marine conservation in the Maldives, there are escapes to entertain all ages.