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Connecting Energy Systems and Climate RiskMarch 17, 2011 – Among the challenges facing technicians struggling to contain the meltdown at the Daiichi Japanese nuclear power units is getting enough water to cool them down. In Japan’s case, the overheating was caused by explosions triggered by the earthquake. Nuclear—as well as fossil-fuel and biomass-fired and some renewable energy systems are impacted by changes in ambient…
Survival Guide: Signs of a Tsunami, a National Geographic Expert Weighs InMarch 11, 2011 – Photograph of Beverly Goodman by Howie Goodman Editor's Note: In light of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan and possible future events along the Pacific Coasts, we're sharing some recently published tips from Adventure on how to survive a tsunami. Read more tips in our Survival Guide. *** How to Survive a TsunamiBy Damon…
Learning From Japan’s Nuclear DisasterMarch 30, 2011 – As heroic workers and soldiers strive to save stricken Japan from a new horror—radioactive fallout—some truths known for 40 years bear repeating. An earthquake-and-tsunami zone crowded with 127 million people is an unwise place for 54 reactors. The 1960s design of five Fukushima-I reactors has the smallest safety margin and probably can’t contain 90 percent…
For the Birds: Meet a KiwiSeptember 29, 2010 – Christchurch, New Zealand was all shook up earlier this month during a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit the South Island in the early morning. Among the many survivors was a stubborn little kiwi chick who despite a power outage and shaking incubator, still managed to hatch. Keepers at Orana Wildlife Park have appropriately named the…
Tickets Now on Sale for Philly’s Cleopatra ExhibitMay 07, 2010 – Cleopatra’s mystique has puzzled historians for centuries, as nearly all evidence of her rule was either destroyed by Roman conquerors or pushed by earthquakes into the Mediterranean Sea. “Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt,” a new exhibition from National Geographic opening at Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute this June, documents the efforts of National…
Stress FactorsSeptember 30, 2010 – At 5:04 p.m. on October 17, 1989, two decades after he served as a combat soldier in Vietnam, Lance Johnson felt the tremors of San Francisco’s Loma Prieta Earthquake from his apartment in Marin County. He took his cup of coffee to the couch, switched on the news and saw a live feed of the […]