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Accidental implosion yields new measurement for ocean's deepest pointFebruary 08, 2022 – A scientific instrument that collapsed in the deep sea allowed scientists to make one of the most precise calculations yet for the abyss known as Challenger Deep.
How to spend 10 days exploring the Croatian islandsFebruary 01, 2024 – From sleepy fishing villages to exquisite seafood restaurants, Croatia’s coastline is home to a kaleidoscope of culture — all best explored by hiring a boat and embarking on 10 days of island-hopping.
See the ocean’s glow-in-the-dark world on a fluorescent night diveSeptember 02, 2022 – These kaleidoscopic swims help us better understand and protect our seas. Here’s why—and where—to try it.
Here's what makes the Drake Passage one of the most dangerous places on EarthJanuary 24, 2024 – Have you seen the eye-popping videos on TikTok? Here's why this turbulent waterway incites fear from sailors and curiosity from scientists.
Hiking, surf culture and island life in southeast TahitiJanuary 28, 2024 – Surfers are drawn to Tahiti’s southeastern corner for its mythical waves, but there’s so much more for adventurers — from waterfall-washed peaks to hiking trails that take over as the roads run out.
Can tourism positively impact climate change in the Indian Ocean?September 02, 2023 – The Indian Ocean is on the front line of climate change. Can tourism here be part of a more sustainable future?
Japan's 2011 megaquake left a scar at the bottom of the sea. Scientists finally explored it.January 22, 2024 – A towering cliff in the Japan Trench of the Pacific Ocean “is unlike anything that’s been observed by science before.”
These ancient cities sunk to the ocean floor. Here's how they were rediscovered.July 25, 2024 – These coastal civilizations have long since disappeared under the waves. But new technology is revolutionizing underwater archaeology and surfacing the remains like never before.
A break in Llandudno, a vintage Welsh beachside resort with enduring appealJanuary 22, 2024 – Bookended by beaches on a limestone peninsula, this vintage North Wales seaside town has plenty of outdoor appeal.
How overfishing threatens the world's oceans—and why it could end in catastropheFebruary 07, 2022 – Decades of harvesting the seas have disrupted the delicate balance of marine ecosystems—despite global efforts to mitigate the damage.
A wildlife first: World’s biggest ocean stingray tagged in the wildJanuary 24, 2023 – Early data is revealing a day in the life of this mysterious fish, which is probably critically endangered.
The shark ray is vanishing from our oceans—and being made into jewelryJune 01, 2023 – An overlooked online trade for bracelets and rings made from the bowmouth guitarfish is increasing pressure on the critically endangered animal.
How pulling carbon out of the ocean may help remove it from the airJune 21, 2024 – Taking carbon dioxide from the ocean could increase its natural ability to remove emissions from the atmosphere, like wringing out a sponge to make it more absorptive.
Ocean acidification, explainedAugust 07, 2019 – Excess carbon dioxide is having profound effects in the water, including putting shelled animals at risk.
The surprising ways sharks keep the ocean healthyJuly 27, 2021 – The predators have a vital role in stabilizing their ecosystems—and that could be even more important as climate change progresses.
NGT (UK) Indian Ocean supplement 2023This 100-page supplement shines a spotlight on Mauritius's fusion cuisine, Sri Lanka's new long-distance hiking trail, active adventures in the Maldives and more.