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How the dinosaur-killing asteroid primed Earth for modern lifeJanuary 16, 2020 – Marine die-offs after the impact may have created opportunities for the life that survived around the globe, new data reveal.
This is how you digitize a 130-million year old dinosaur—and whyAugust 20, 2019 – Over four days (and two nights) London’s Natural History Museum 3D-scanned every piece of its historic Mantellisaurus specimen. The technique aids the reappraisal of fragile, hard-to-access specimens—but it's not easy.
Last day of the dinosaurs' reign captured in stunning detailSeptember 09, 2019 – Rocks from deep inside the Chicxulub impact crater show what happened in the minutes to hours after one of our planet’s most catastrophic events.
In a first, fossil dinosaur feathers found near the South PoleNovember 18, 2019 – The ancient plumage hints at how small carnivorous dinosaurs weathered long, cold winters inside the Antarctic Circle 118 million years ago.
This woman brings dinosaur fossils homeNovember 29, 2018 – Paleontologist Bolortsetseg Minjin is fighting to restore Mongolia’s rich natural heritage: dinosaur fossils.
'Jurassic Park' got almost everything wrong about this iconic dinosaurJuly 07, 2020 – New fossil discoveries and the most detailed analysis yet of Dilophosaurus have produced the first clear picture of what the crested dinosaur really looked like.
Early meat-eating dinosaur revealed via spectacular fossilDecember 03, 2019 – The nearly complete skeleton belongs to an apex predator of the Triassic that hunted the ancestors of today’s mammals.
See how we’re reimagining dinosaurs in today’s ‘golden age’ of paleontologySeptember 15, 2020 – Scientists have learned more about the ancient animals in the last 25 years than in the previous 250—from the color of their skin and feathers to how they lived and evolved.
First soft-shelled dinosaur eggs shed light on prehistoric parentingJune 17, 2020 – Two new studies upend past notions of dinosaur birth and describe the first fossil egg ever found in Antarctica.
The World's Best Trips for Dinosaur LoversJuly 05, 2018 – A seasoned paleontologist reveals her favorite fossil-focused spots.
Rare fossil in a fossil reveals a dinosaur's surprising last mealJuly 11, 2019 – The discovery not only uncovers a new species of ancient lizard, it shakes up our understanding of the food web 140 million years ago.
Meet the new dinosaur known as the “destroyer of shins”February 14, 2019 – The mighty Zuul crurivastator, a recently discovered Cretaceous dinosaur, had a sledgehammer tail that could topple tyrannosaurs.
Volcanoes may have helped life bounce back after dinosaur-killing asteroid strikeJune 29, 2020 – New models show that volcanic activity could have helped warm the planet after years of catastrophic darkness and cold.
New species of incredible 'living tank' dinosaur unveiledDecember 17, 2018 – Even fierce tyrannosaurs would have been afraid of Zuul, a club-tailed Cretaceous beast known as the "destroyer of shins."
'Dueling Dinosaurs' fossil, hidden from science for 14 years, could finally reveal its secretsNovember 17, 2020 – An exquisitely preserved specimen of a T. rex and Triceratops, tangled together as though they died in combat, has been acquired by a North Carolina museum after more than a decade in private hands.