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Irish Ancestry Surprises Revealed by New DNA MapDecember 14, 2017 – The genetic atlas revealed new information about health risks, ancient political borders, and the influence of Vikings.
Lake District National Park, EnglandFebruary 15, 2011 – Get facts, photos, and travel tips for Lake District National Park in England from National Geographic.
See the Arctic's striking landscapes from aboveDecember 07, 2018 – From Alaska’s lush shores to Canada’s pristine snow cover, discover the Arctic from a bird’s-eye view.
A city guide to Oslo — hot dogs, harbour regeneration and Nordic fjord lifeJune 20, 2023 – Urban regeneration, fjord life and friluftsliv — the concept of celebrating outdoor living regardless of the weather — make Norway's capital an appealing summer getaway. And this underappreciated city is having its moment in the sun.
11 Museum Surprises: Rediscovered Treasures, from a Celtic Brooch to an Early Hitchcock FilmMarch 29, 2014 – Valuable artifacts, documents, and art were mislabeled, mislaid, or ignored—some for many decades.
You Never Know What You'll Find Under a Parking LotApril 11, 2013 – When digging starts at a construction site, it may uncover unexpected treasures: ancient temples, headless Vikings, even a few new whale species.
Nat Geo Kids
Wacky Weekend: Hilarious HotelsMay 27, 2016 – Take a virtual trip to some of the most bizarre hotels around the world.Just Back: Isle of ManJuly 06, 2015 – Nat Geo travel books editor Larry Porges crossed a destination off his bucket list this summer when he traveled to the Isle of Man, located smack-dab between the islands of Ireland and Great Britain in the middle of the Irish Sea. The co-author of the “London Book of Lists” has had a long fascination with the self-governing British Crown dependency and its Celtic, English, and Viking roots. Here’s why.
Norway is the Most Desirable Place to Live, According to UNOctober 09, 2009 – Norway, the land of fjords, Vikings, vodka, and blonde hair, is now also the most desirable place to live, according to the United Nations. The UN’s Human Development Report 2008/2009, done annually, ranks Norway numero uno because of the country's human development index ratings, which evaluates certain criteria, including educational factors, gender equality, and life…