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Millennials and Gen Z are spreading coronavirus—but not because of parties and barsSeptember 17, 2020 – Younger generations are blamed for the pandemic’s spread, but also face the brunt of the transmission risk that comes with keeping the economy going.
Coronavirus is officially a pandemic. Here's why that matters.March 11, 2020 – The World Health Organization has finally labeled COVID-19 as a pandemic, but does it change anything or is it just semantics?
Intimate photos show families adapting to a world changed by coronavirusApril 02, 2020 – Some families have found themselves suddenly locked down with little space, while others are forced apart.
How do infections like the coronavirus jump from animals to people?April 01, 2020 – Zoonotic diseases, which pass from animals to humans, kill millions of people every year. Where do they come from and how can we avoid them?
What scientists do and don't know about treating coronavirusMarch 24, 2020 – Six leading physicians explain what we know so far about treating COVID-19 in the emergency room and at home.
A look inside Thailand, which prevented coronavirus from gaining a footholdJune 18, 2020 – Expecting the worst, a photographer set out to document the pandemic in Bangkok. He was surprised by what he found.
As coronavirus sweeps Brazil, families only have 10 minutes to say goodbyeJune 03, 2020 – With the second highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, Brazil has imposed restrictions on funerals and left families unable to mourn.
China's 'hardware capital' grinds to a halt amid coronavirus fearsFebruary 11, 2020 – Makeshift barricades and a migrant worker shortage have upended life and industry in Yongkang, one of China's biggest manufacturing hubs.
Why South Africa’s coronavirus outbreak could be a ‘catalyst for transformation’June 11, 2020 – The nation’s long experience with fighting HIV and TB has yielded both promise and setbacks in its battle against COVID-19.
The WHO is hunting for the coronavirus’s origins. Here are the new details.November 06, 2020 – Disease detectives who have worked on similar hunts say the investigation is business as usual—but now with advanced tools and techniques that should aid the process.
They were on a quest to visit every country. Then coronavirus happened.June 08, 2020 – The pandemic has brought the world’s most dedicated globetrotters to a screeching halt.
How coronavirus compares to flu, Ebola, and other major outbreaksFebruary 07, 2020 – Weighing diseases against each other is a complicated calculus. These charts explain why.
Chinese citizens push to abolish wildlife trade as coronavirus persistsJanuary 30, 2020 – Media coverage of China's wildlife markets sends the message that they’re hugely popular. In reality, many Chinese can’t relate.
These 5 foods show how coronavirus has disrupted supply chainsMay 19, 2020 – Even as demand soars at grocery stores and food banks, farmers are forced to dump milk and let vegetables rot. Here's why.
Exclusive: Kids catch and spread coronavirus half as much as adults, Iceland study confirmsDecember 10, 2020 – Big decisions around COVID-19 and children have been heavy on politics and short on science. New large-scale studies are changing that.
Seven more big cats test positive for coronavirus at Bronx ZooApril 22, 2020 – Following a National Geographic inquiry, the zoo confirms that four more tigers and three lions have the virus. This comes the same day as two pet cats in New York become the first in the U.S. to test positive.