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Tropical Forest Loss Slowed in 2017—To the Second Worst Total EverJune 27, 2018 – Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo lost the most; things improved in Indonesia. Here are five takeaways from a new report.
These 8 Bird Species Have Disappeared This DecadeSeptember 05, 2018 – The pace of bird extinction is picking up as their habitats vanish.
An unlikely feud between beekeepers and Mennonites simmers in MexicoApril 12, 2019 – Survival is at stake as Mennonite colonies’ illegal soy farms threaten the livelihood of Maya beekeepers.
Hordes of Wild Pigs Make Palm Oil Even More DestructiveDecember 21, 2017 – A new study says palm oil plantations damage the forest even beyond what they actually cut down—by fueling a boom in wild pigs.
Palm oil is unavoidable. Can it be sustainable?December 04, 2018 – Our appetite for the oil hurts the environment and wildlife. But Gabon hopes to show how to build an industry while protecting its forests.
For Cash and Pride, Replanting Canada's Forests by the MillionsJune 08, 2018 – Each year, twentysomethings from all over the world take on one of the most grueling yet satisfying summer jobs imaginable.
Africa's Most Endangered Parrot Fighting for SurvivalMay 11, 2018 – There are fewer than 2,000 Cape parrots left in South Africa's southern mistbelt forests.
This Striking Orangutan Photo Highlights a Grim RealityDecember 12, 2017 – The thought-provoking portrait took the grand prize in the 2017 Nature Photographer of the Year Contest.
Giant Rat That Fell From Sky Is New SpeciesSeptember 27, 2017 – The coconut-eating rodent tumbled from a logged tree on the Solomon Islands, a new study says.
Tiny New 'Forest Goblins' Discovered, Look Like YodaMay 04, 2017 – The two new species live on Sulawesi, where forests are rapidly declining, experts say.
New Zealand's Whanganui River is a legal person. How will it use its voice?April 22, 2019 – Soon, the government will recognize a mountain as a legal person as well. Here's how it happened, and what it may mean.
New Dwarf Primate Found, Is Giant Among Its KinMarch 01, 2017 – Native to Angola, the six-inch-long mammal may be already endangered, scientists say.
One of World's Most Mysterious Cats Caught on CameraMarch 12, 2017 – New videos give a look into the daily life of a marbled cat, a critically endangered species in China.
India Plants 50 Million Trees in One Day, Smashing World RecordJuly 18, 2016 – More than 800,000 volunteers pitched in to help the country fight climate change.
The Relentless Rise of Two Caribbean Lakes Baffles ScientistsMarch 03, 2016 – In Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the lakes flood farmland, swallow communities and lead to deforestation.
Protecting Forests Is a Global Issue and a Local ChallengeSeptember 14, 2015 – By Paul Conway, Cargill As world leaders prepare to meet in New York this month for the United …