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Why you should try Indian Ocean rumSeptember 06, 2023 – The region’s storied rum distilleries are upping the ante with authentic cane-to-glass creations and imaginative twists.
In rare show of solidarity, 14 key nations commit to protect oceansDecember 04, 2020 – The world’s most far-reaching pact to protect and sustain ocean health offers hope that our seas’ dire problems might be solved.
Inside the ambitious push to protect a third of the world’s oceanAugust 13, 2020 – Preserving our pristine seas will boost biodiversity, replenish fishing stocks, and store carbon.
Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate changeSeptember 25, 2019 – The latest report from the IPCC highlights the dramatic toll warming has taken on the world's water.
As hot as a hot tub: how soaring ocean temperatures are affecting coralsJuly 12, 2023 – With ocean temperatures reaching upwards of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers race to find solutions to save coral reefs.
How the oceans have become hostile for animalsApril 04, 2019 – Climate change and overfishing have rocked life in the ocean—but some species fare better than others.
Oceanic shark and ray populations have collapsed by 70 percent over 50 yearsJanuary 27, 2021 – But there are solutions, experts say, such as regulating international trade in sharks and creating more sustainable fisheries.
The Race Is On to Mine the Deep Sea—But Scientists Are WaryAugust 29, 2018 – Some of the biggest deposits of iron, copper, and rare-earth elements are in the middle of the Pacific. They come at a cost.
Less than 3 percent of the ocean is 'highly protected'September 25, 2019 – Despite a flurry of declarations about marine protected areas, world leaders are struggling to put these vital conservation measures into practice.
One of the Ocean’s Deadliest Creatures Filmed Near Australian BeachMarch 01, 2018 – But don’t fear, they only attack when they feel their lives are threatened.
From fish pie to beef tartare, 5 things to do with oystersDecember 26, 2023 – Most commonly gulped down raw, straight from the shell, oysters can also add an umami hit to an array of dishes.
This explorer helps protect millions of square miles of oceanJune 13, 2019 – With his Pristine Seas project, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala contributes to the creation of marine parks and reserves.
Our oceans are under attack by climate change, overfishingMarch 21, 2019 – The vast bodies of water surrounding the continents are critical to life on Earth. But overfishing and global warming threaten to leave oceans barren.
See the drastic toll climate change is taking on our oceansJune 07, 2019 – For World Oceans Day, we look at the impact our carbon emissions are having, from the shore to the deep sea.
Earth’s oceans may hold the key to finding life beyond our planetApril 07, 2020 – A new book by NASA astrobiologist Kevin Hand argues the first step to finding aliens should be exploring the depths our own planet’s oceans.
Sea cucumbers bloat themselves to zoom around the oceanJanuary 22, 2019 – Despite their slug-like reputation, these squishy creatures can actually zip along for miles on ocean currents.