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South African wildlife – Wait, that’s not a trunk…November 07, 2009 – This is a bull elephant firmly establishing why it is he, and not the lion, who is king of beasts. The elephant’s penis is not only massive but prehensile. As we watched in baffled amusement (and the faintest tinge of inadequacy), he used his penis to prop himself up (as in the photo), swat flies […]
Bus2Antarctica: Oh MexicoJanuary 08, 2010 – Andrew Evans is hightailing it through Mexico and Central America in an effort to catch the Sea Lion, a National Geographic/Lindblad expedition that will take him from Costa Rica to Panama on his way to Antarctica. Here’s a glimpse of what he saw of Mexico from the bus window. The acronym ADO stands for Autobuses…
Humans As Cat ChowJune 17, 2006 – Two hundred thousand years ago or thereabouts, an African lion killed someone. Along with a meal, the big cat got a wicked stomachache. Today a record of that unfortunate death still survives, in the bacteria that make big cats sick. The trail of this strange story starts in the 1980s, when scientists discovered that ulcers […]
Staying Healthy on a Kenyan Family SafariJuly 01, 2009 – It’s less than a week until senior editor Norie Quintos‘s trip to Kenya with her teen sons. In this posting, the third in a series of blogs on her trip, she covers vaccinations/medicines. Find the first and second posts here. The glossy catalogs filled with pages of majestic elephants, lions in mid-roar, or huggable baby…
The Long Weekend: Appleton, WisconsinJuly 17, 2008 – The Houdini-themed fiberglass “Metamorph Lion” stands guard in front of Appleton’s History Museum. I had a sense of what to expect from Appleton, Wisconsin, when I visited the most wholesome of college towns in Middle America—and on Flag Day, no less. But the genial college town proved more surprising with each cheesehead I encountered (best…
Sebastian Junger, Scott Anderson, Chip Brown Read ADVENTURESeptember 08, 2009 – Some of our favorite writers will be reading from our new anthology, The New Age of Adventure, next Monday night at the Half King in New York City. Here's the lineup: SEBASTIAN JUNGER, reading from “The Lion in Winter,” his profile of Ahmad Shah Massoud, an Afghan warrior who fought the Taliban in the years before September 11, 2001. SCOTT ANDERSON,…
Bus2Antarctica: Pura VidaJanuary 16, 2010 – Andrew Evans has been traveling on board the National Geographic Sea Lion, from Costa Rica to Panama, on his journey to Antarctica. Today he discusses the many definitions of Pura Vida. Cruise ships are often the worst places to experience local culture. They’re often impersonal and far removed from the destination they are supposedly “visiting.”…
Bus2Antarctica: Costa Rica’s Corcovado National ParkJanuary 15, 2010 – Andrew Evans is currently traveling on board the National Geographic Sea Lion. Here, he recaps his recent visit to Costa Rica’s Corcovado National Park. The tropical rain forest is the exact opposite of Antarctica: it’s steamy hot, always wet, bright green, and crawling with life both day and night. This week, my journey south…
Announcing: Bus2AntarcticaDecember 23, 2009 – It’s been a big year for our contributing editor Andrew Evans. He’s helped us learn how to track lions in Africa, he’s smuggled home lobsters from Maine, and he made his foray into reality television. But on January 1, 2010, he’s going to embark on a real adventure. We’ll let him explain the details… I…
Photo safari – lionfishMay 08, 2010 – I’ve just come back from a week holiday in Jordan, culminating in a few nights at Aqaba, a town bordering the Red Sea. On the first night, my wife and I walked to the jetty of our hotel and spent a glorious half-hour dangling our feet over the edge, toes tickling the water. There was […]
Pictures: Sharks Taught to Hunt Alien LionfishApril 04, 2011 – Divers in Honduras are trying to help the top predators acquire a taste for the destructive invasive species, described by one expert as "rats of the sea."