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Results 16961 - 16964 of 16964
"Crazy Green" Algae Pools Seen in Antarctic SeaMarch 01, 2011 – Pools teeming with life found among remote Antarctic sea ice contain "the greenest water I've seen in the world," an expert says.
Pictures: Bones Evidence of Himalaya Death Ritual?March 01, 2011 – Found in dangerously high Himalayan cliff caves, newfound bones—many of which had been defleshed—point to an unknown ancient ritual.
Global Warming Mitigation: Smoke and Not MirrorsMarch 01, 2011 – The UN proposes a way to delay dangerous warming by decades. If you’ve read this recent U.S. National Academy of Sciences report, you’d have an idea of how little time we may have to avoid passing the 2-degree Celsius (3.6-degree Fahrenheit) warming threshold set by international groups (see here [pdf] and here) to avoid dangerous…
New Death Ritual Found in Himalaya—27 De-fleshed HumansMarch 01, 2011 – In high cliffside caves, explorers find 1,500-year-old de-fleshed skeletons—clues to an unknown Himalayan rite.