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Removal of Yellowstone Grizzlies From Endangered List Ignites ControversyJune 22, 2017 – While some conservationists are applauding the return of the bears, others worry that the species is not ready to be managed by states that may promote hunting.
Quiz: What's Your Yellowstone Spirit Animal?April 15, 2016 – Find out if you're a busy beaver or more of a lone wolf.
Learning to Let the Wild Be Wild in YellowstoneApril 01, 2016 – The paradox of Yellowstone National Park.
Earthquake Swarms Are Shaking Yellowstone's Supervolcano. Here's What That Means.February 21, 2018 – Hundreds of earthquakes have rocked the famous supervolcano in the past few days, but this seismic activity is regular in the region.
Photographer Charlie Hamilton James on YellowstoneApril 07, 2016 – An award-winning wildlife photographer goes to perilous lengths.
Watch a Backcountry Recovery in YellowstoneOctober 20, 2015 – “These horses saved my life.”
Thermal Pool, Yellowstone National ParkSee a photo of a thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park and download free wallpaper from National Geographic.
What's Next For Yellowstone's Grizzlies?October 01, 2015 – Experts debate whether the grizzly bear can continue to thrive if it's taken off Endangered Species Act protection in the Greater Yellowstone region.
Yellowstone's Grizzly Bears Should Not Be HuntedMarch 04, 2016 – With nature-loving America watching, this is an opportunity for western states to redeem themselves for wiping out much of our wildlife.
10 Surprising Facts About YellowstoneDecember 04, 2015 – The world’s oldest national park changed the way people think about nature, leaving an enduring legacy.
Booming Tourism Becomes a Stress Test for YellowstoneApril 04, 2016 – As crowds soar, wildlife can suffer. And for the park's human visitors, the idea of getting away from it all gets tougher.
Inside Yellowstone's SupervolcanoApril 12, 2016 – Think of the park as a gigantic pressure cooker, fueled by one of the most massive supervolcanoes on Earth.
Striking Photos Capture the Wild Wolves of YellowstoneApril 26, 2016 – Photographer Ronan Donovan set up hundreds of camera traps to document wolves in their natural habitat.
12 Retro Pictures Capture the Majesty of YellowstoneMarch 01, 2016 – We celebrate the national park's anniversary with a look back at our May 1972 issue.
Montana Road Trip: Yellowstone CountryOctober 09, 2015
Pioneering Conservation Biologist Reshaped Our Understanding of Bears and YellowstoneSeptember 21, 2016 – John Craighead passed away at the age of 100.