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Snaring has become the greatest threat to African lionsNovember 29, 2018 – Snaring indiscriminately kills wildlife throughout Africa, including both animals that lions prey upon, and the big cats themselves.
Australian Sea LionSee a photo of an Australian sea lion and download free wallpaper from National Geographic.
Buffalo Gives the Horns to a Young Lion CubMay 30, 2018 – After recently catching a lizard, a lion cub makes the mistake of taking its prize into buffalo territory.
3 Alleged Rhino Poachers Eaten by LionsJuly 05, 2018 – Bread, weapons, and human remains were found scattered around the lions’ camp in a South African game reserve.
Turkey tail. Chaga. Lion’s mane. Do these mushroom supplements really help you?January 31, 2024 – From coffee-alternatives to tinctures and gummies, medicinal mushrooms show promise in existing research–but that’s not the full story.
Lions, KenyaSee a photo of lions draped across the branches of an acacia tree in Kenya and download free wallpaper from National Geographic.
As Tigers Become Rarer, Poachers Are Targeting LionsJune 01, 2018 – Growing numbers of wild lions in Africa are slaughtered for their teeth and claws, sought in Asian countries for jewelry.
Resting Lions, TanzaniaSee a photo of lions resting in the Serengeti and download free wallpaper from National Geographic.
How a humpback whale ended up with a sea lion in its mouthJuly 30, 2019 – In an extremely rare occurrence, a photographer captured a sea lion getting snagged in the open mouth of a humpback whale.
Lion Pride, SerengetiSee a photo of a pride of lions in the Serengeti by Michael Nichols, from National Geographic.
How the world’s largest lion relocation was pulled offMay 02, 2019 – To bring lions back to central Mozambique, logistics ranged from providing safe transport to blessings from the spirit world.
Sleeping Lion, South AfricaSee a photo of a lion sleeping in the grass in South Africa and download free wallpaper from National Geographic.
Why This Zoo Lion Killed a Lost Water BirdJune 28, 2018 – When a heron inexplicably ended up in the lion enclosure, the big cat’s instincts sprung into action.
California Sea Lions Keep Getting Shot by FishermenAugust 17, 2018 – Despite legal protections for sea lions, fishermen resort to lethal force to keep them from stealing their catch.
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Comeback critter: Golden lion tamarinMarch 17, 2023 – Scientists help these primates reclaim their forest home.Curious Lion Bites Tourist's Car Door on SafariMay 03, 2018 – This young male lion stopped a caravan of cars in Kruger National Park, South Africa.