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Extreme Mammals Take NYCMay 18, 2009 – Amelia Mularz had an EXTREME weekend visiting the newest exhibit at New York’s American Museum of Natural History. Heading to the American Museum of Natural History always makes me feel like a kid again. Within minutes of stepping foot in the museum this past weekend, my friend and I had already challenged each other to…
Conscientious Chimps and Bold BirdsMarch 01, 2005 – I’ve got an article in today’s New York Times about animal personalities. Update: I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a regular visitor to the gossip site Gawker. But I have to say I was surprised to see the personality article turn up there. Will hordes of New York hipsters discover the strange joys of evolution, […]
A box full of Ping-Pong balls: My article on inclusive fitness in NY TimesAugust 30, 2010 – On Wednesday, EO Wilson and colleagues at Harvard came out swinging at a major concept in modern evolutionary biology, known as inclusive fitness. A generation of scientists has used it to explain how animals help each other–because they’re kin. In the new paper, Wilson and colleagues say it’s superfluous. I’ve written a story about the […]
Out of Office: Into AfricaNovember 02, 2010 – Associate Photo Editor Krista Rossow shares her first trip to Africa. A total safari newbie, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I packed my duffel bag to head to the bush in Zambia. So, I tried to have few expectations. Everyone kept asking me what animals I wanted to see, as if it were…
Frankenstein Freak-outsApril 13, 2008 – Radiolab is a show about science that briliantly uses radio’s greatest strength–sound–to bring stories to life in ways we print goons can only dream about. I wrote a story about how animals sleep. The Radiolab folks played the sound of brain waves from a sleeping cat. And so on. I’m particularly fond of their latest […]
Choose Your Top PoisonApril 21, 2009 – Yesterday I wrote about how conservation biologists are debating the value of moving species to protect them from climate-change-driven extinction. As a follow-up (or an antidote), check out “Blood for no oil: Our obsession with climate change is killing off animals left and right.” in Slate. Brendan Borrell, biologist turned journalist, argues that climate change […]
National Geographic’s Gorgeous New WebsiteJanuary 11, 2010 – We’re very pleased to announce the launch of National Geographic’s new website this week. It’s a clean, uncluttered design that’s much easier to navigate, and now features online content areas including National Geographic magazine, National Geographic News, Animals, Environment, Travel, Adventure, Kids, and the National Geographic Channel. As you can imagine, we’re particularly excited about…
It Started with a Cat BiteOctober 14, 2010 – This is the story of Massachusetts General Hospital case #31-2010: a 29-year-old woman whom I’ll call Melissa. I’m telling Melissa’s story not for its common-sense lesson—avoid interactions with cats*—but because it shows that doctor detective-work happens outside of TV Land. Melissa was a veterinary assistant at an animal hospital. One day, at work, a cat […]