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Cocktail Caucus in the Emerald CityMay 05, 2008 – Recently a friend and I stopped by Seattle’s Tini Bigs Lounge, a black-wall, pink-light cocktail lounge just steps from the Space Needle. The sign outside claims it is the “second best cocktail lounge” in Seattle. At first, I wasn’t quite sure why—after sampling a couple varieties of their ten-ounce 30 martinis, I’d happily call them…
Environment: Putting Greenbacks Where the Green IsMarch 15, 2008 – Good news for the good guys: $60,000 is up for grabs for two environmentally focused nonprofits. As of today, March 15, Redwood Creek Wines, a Modesto, California-based vineyard, is accepting submissions from U.S. nonprofits with grand plans—but meager means—for their Greater Outdoors Project, an initiatve aimed to “help maintain or improve America’s wide-open spaces.” The…
My Tendrils Extend Deeper Into Next Week's World Science FestivalJune 01, 2009 – Next week the second annual World Science Festival hits New York. I’m now going to be involved in three events that I hope Loom readers can attend. 1. Thursay, June 11, 6:30-8:00 PM “Wall-E’s World: Designs for an Invisible Footprint.” I’ll be talking to designers and an astrobiologist about cities, trash, space travel, and the […]