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Who Discovered the Panda?July 15, 2016 – Until 1869, few had heard of the giant black-and-white creatures hiding in China’s forests. Decades later, pandamania gripped the world.
Born blind, pink, and entirely helpless, here’s how giant pandas grow upOctober 06, 2020 – Baby pandas start out life nearly unrecognizable and reliant on their mothers for warmth, food, and safety. But that doesn’t last for long.
China’s new panda park will be three times bigger than YellowstoneMay 10, 2019 – Its creators say the expanded refuge will protect the bear and many other species—but one expert says major roadblocks remain.
Panda Porn and Other Desperate Measures to Get Rare Species to MateFebruary 14, 2018 – When you're one of the last of your species, scientists go to great lengths.
Long-Lost Panda Relative Revealed by 22,000-Year-Old FossilJune 18, 2018 – The weathered remains from a cave in China contain the world's oldest sample of panda DNA.
Pandas Get to Know Their Wild SideJuly 13, 2016 – The Chinese know how to breed the popular bears. Now they're releasing them into the wild, where the animals and their habitat face risks.
Oldest Panda in Captivity Dies in Hong KongOctober 17, 2016 – Jia Jia, the oldest panda ever in captivity, died at the age of 38—reaching a human age estimate of about 114 years old.
Red Pandas Rescued—Are These Animals the Next Black Market Pet?January 23, 2018 – A seizure of the endangered animals in Laos hints at growing interest in them.
3 Places to See China's Giant PandasAugust 16, 2016 – Visit these cute, cuddly pandas while supporting conservation efforts.
Giant Pandas, Symbol of Conservation, Are No Longer EndangeredSeptember 04, 2016 – Great apes, meanwhile, are plummeting toward extinction, an international group of conservation experts announced Sunday.
New Video Shows Returning Pandas to the Wild Actually WorksApril 19, 2017 – A captive-born female, Zhang Xiang, has moved to a different protected area from where she was released—a first for the species.
Pandas Have More Babies if They Can Pick Their MatesDecember 15, 2015 – The discovery may boost efforts to breed captive pandas, which are matched by their genetic compatibility, a new study says.
Panda Yawning, Kunming, ChinaNational Geographic Photo of the Day: Panda Yawning, Kunming, China
We Asked Yanni About His Pet PandaFebruary 20, 2016 – The globetrotting New Age musician has played eight UNESCO world heritage sites and earned unique honors from the government of China.
Our Favorite Instagram Photos: Nighttime Procession and Lazy PandasAugust 19, 2016 – We selected our favorite pictures from the past week on @natgeo Instagram. See more of our photographers' best shots on Instagram.
Watch the Frolicking Panda Clip That Lit Up 'Snowzilla'January 24, 2016 – Footage of giant panda Tian Tian enjoying the mega-snowstorm at Washington's National Zoo went viral Saturday.