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Why this coronavirus mutation is not cause for alarmJuly 15, 2020 – There’s no solid evidence that the coronavirus has become more deadly or transmissible. Here’s why such fears arise with every epidemic.
Coronavirus is killing the Dutch mink industryJune 24, 2020 – The Netherlands, a top exporter of mink, has killed more than 500,000 of the animals this month to stop the spread of disease.
Coronavirus 101: What you need to knowMarch 27, 2020 – Our understanding of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, is evolving daily—but we do know some important basics.
The coronavirus is mutating—but what determines how quickly?February 05, 2021 – Though not technically alive, viruses mutate and evolve similar to living cells, producing new variants all the time.
Why antibodies may not be the key to beating coronavirusAugust 07, 2020 – Worries over waning antibodies may be overblown, as growing evidence shows a role for T cells in the coronavirus immune response.
Will the sustainable travel movement survive coronavirus?April 21, 2020 – Travel experts say the pandemic won’t stop environmentalists’ call for slower trips and fewer flights.
These photos capture a world paused by coronavirusMarch 25, 2020 – Stuck at home from New York to Nairobi, National Geographic photographers focus on family, empty streets, and walks in the wild.
Why some people are superspreaders and how the body emits coronavirusOctober 27, 2020 – The production of infectious aerosols can vary wildly between individuals—and experts are exploring why in the COVID-19 era.
Already had the coronavirus? You could get it again.December 01, 2020 – Reinfection reports are still rare but steadily growing around the world, and they’re likely underreported.
A global look inside a Ramadan dampened by coronavirusMay 08, 2020 – From Chicago to the West Bank, the coronavirus has closed mosques and altered traditions for Muslims during Islam’s holy month.
What you need to know about your cats and coronavirusApril 24, 2020 – Cases of cats acquiring coronavirus are rare—and there is no evidence the disease could spread from pets to humans.
Can you give the coronavirus to your pet? Can your pet give it to you?April 09, 2020 – There is no evidence that suggests pets can spread coronavirus to people or vice versa.
How to measure your nation’s response to coronavirusMay 01, 2020 – National Geographic reviews the lessons learned from national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why unreliable tests are flooding the coronavirus conversationMay 06, 2020 – Flawed methods. Faulty materials. Here's how to make sense of the wildly different results from current antibody testing.
How hard will the coronavirus hit the travel industry?April 02, 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic brings travel to a standstill, causing massive job and revenue losses. Will there be light at the end of the tunnel?
The hunt for the next potential coronavirus animal hostApril 03, 2020 – Some scientists warn there’s a small but real possibility the virus could take refuge in a new animal host and reintroduce it to humans in the future.