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Why cracking down on the shark fin trade may be easier than we thoughtOctober 28, 2020 – Many shark fins used in a traditional Asian delicacy come from the coastal waters of just a handful of countries. The finding upends conventional notions—and could make this conservation challenge easier to tackle.
Why a COVID-19 vaccine could further imperil deep-sea sharksNovember 13, 2020 – Shark liver oil can make vaccines more effective, but increased demand could harm critically endangered species. Pfizer and Moderna's promising vaccine candidates do not contain the substance.
These sharks glow underwater—thanks to tiny ‘lightsabers’August 08, 2019 – A new study finds a brand-new chemical pathway for biofluorescence in sharks—and the molecules are also antibacterial.
Amazing fossil shark skeleton is the first of its kindOctober 01, 2019 – Skulls and a nearly complete skeleton offer our best look yet at a shark that lived about 360 million years ago.
Shark attacks: After recent bites, your questions answeredJune 17, 2019 – Encounters with the big fish are rare, but can be deadly. Here's how to reduce your risk, and what you should keep in mind.
What the world’s largest sharks, crocs, and spiders can tell scientistsJuly 15, 2020 – The biggest animals of their kind often generate headlines, but these record-holders can also tell us a lot about an animal's biology.
This shark fought off a deep-sea squid, first-ever picture revealsJune 05, 2020 – A massive squid left battle scars on the skin of a surface-dwelling shark, revealing an entirely new connection to the deep sea.
Mako sharks get new protections from tradeAugust 25, 2019 – At the global wildlife trade meeting in Geneva, countries have decided to protect the endangered mako shark from trade.
2 weeks, 4 deaths, and the start of America's fear of sharksJune 12, 2019 – It took a string of shark attacks in New Jersey more than a hundred years ago to make U.S. swimmers fear the ocean’s top predator.
Great White Shark Image | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayA great white shark launches itself out of the ocean in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
Why shark attacks are more common in the Atlantic than the PacificJuly 02, 2019 – Although incidents have been declining in recent years, news coverage remains high.
How the U.S. is inadvertently facilitating shark fin smugglingMarch 03, 2020 – American ports are stopovers on global trade routes for shipments of both legal and illegal shark fins.
Scientists tag deep-sea shark hundreds of feet underwater—a firstSeptember 05, 2019 – To better study the bluntnose sixgill, scientists had to figure out how to fire a speargun from a submarine.
What It Takes to Guard a Giant Shark SanctuarySeptember 24, 2018 – An unlikely group—including a National Geographic explorer and a former shark smuggler—team up to protect the Cook Islands' sharks.
Cape Cod may have the highest density of great white sharks in the worldJuly 05, 2023 – “It’s incredible how camouflaged they can be. People might be right next to them and don’t even see them,” one expert says.
6 amazing sharks you've never heard ofJuly 18, 2018 – From tiny plant-eaters to huge Arctic dwellers, these sharks are far more fascinating than fearsome.