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Nurse SharkExplore the underwater world of this bottom-dwelling shark. Learn why humans have little to fear, and much to learn, from nurse sharks.
Shark meat is a global phenomenon—but not everyone knows they’re eating itJuly 17, 2023 – Sharks have turned up as “mystery meat” in Brazil, in some pet food in the U.S., and at some fish-and-chip shops in the U.K. and Australia.
Do sharks hold their breath underwater? This species might.May 11, 2023 – The “completely unexpected” behavior reported in scalloped hammerhead sharks raises questions about how widespread it may be among other species.
Sharks form years-long 'friendships,' dispelling 'lone shark' mythJuly 07, 2021 – They’re more like us than we realized, scientists say. But why sharks socialize is still an open question.
Whale SharkGet your arms around the largest fish in the sea—whale sharks weigh in at up to 60 tons. Find out what tiny creatures keep these gentle giants alive.
Dusky SharkThis long-lived shark inhabits tropical and temperate oceans worldwide. Discover more about the dusky shark.
Bull SharkLearn why this coastal shark is considered one of the world's most dangerous. Find out how bull sharks can survive even in freshwater.
Want to see great white sharks? Consider Cape Cod.October 13, 2023 – As Cape Cod’s shark population reaches a record high, these often misunderstood visitors have become an unlikely source of local pride—and ecotourism.
Scared of sharks? This photographer aims to turn shark fear into fascinationMay 31, 2022 – A lifelong passion for these ocean predators sparked a career in conservation photography and a mission to share the love.
How drones are revolutionizing our understanding of sharksJuly 11, 2022 – Aerial footage can provide real-time information about sharks’ presence near beaches, as well as insight into their unique behaviors.
Sharks Galápagos Image | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayA school of sharks swim in the Galápagos in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
Great white enigma: In search of the Mediterranean’s giant sharksJuly 22, 2021 – Few species thrill (or chill) like the great white shark. Yet little is known about the population inhabiting one of the world’s busiest seas—except that they’re there, and they’re big.
Why did these shark hunters bury their dead with extra limbs?July 07, 2023 – Archaeologists have found evidence of human-shark interaction going back more than 3,5000 years in Peru, including ceremonial shark burials and fishermen buried with additional body parts.
Sand Tiger SharkFind out why this shark is not nearly as fierce as its protruding teeth might suggest. See how surface air breathing sets them apart from their relatives.
The surprising ways sharks keep the ocean healthyJuly 27, 2021 – The predators have a vital role in stabilizing their ecosystems—and that could be even more important as climate change progresses.
Here’s what kids can learn from sharksJuly 15, 2021 – Shark tourism could help raise awareness about these misunderstood fish. But can your family do it safely and sustainably?