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Why are these orcas killing sharks and removing their livers?March 22, 2023 – When sevengill shark carcasses with pectoral tears and missing livers began washing up on the South African coast, questions abounded. Then a marine biologist found something: orca tooth impressions.
Mass Shark Extinction Triggered by Dinosaur-Killing AsteroidAugust 02, 2018 – By studying fossilized shark teeth, researchers have found that the same asteroid that killed the non-avian dinosaurs laid groundwork for today’s shark species.
Prehistoric sharks feasted on flying reptiles, fossil revealsOctober 03, 2018 – The wing bone of a Pteranodon that cruised the skies 83 million years ago shows that the creature met its end in the mouth of a marine predator.
How Magnets Keep Sharks Safe—From UsAugust 14, 2018 – Magnets repel sharks, studies show, by interfering with their ability to sense electrical fields.
Explore a Rare Hammerhead Shark Nursery in the GalapagosJanuary 30, 2018 – The newly discovered nursery offers protection from the sharks' predators—and gives scientists the chance to track them.
Megalodon is definitely extinct—and great white sharks may be to blameFebruary 14, 2019 – New analysis of the ancient behemoths suggests they disappeared a million years earlier than thought, raising questions about what led to their demise.
She Fought for a Shark Sanctuary. But Does It Work?July 03, 2018 – First Jessica Cramp helped ban the shark trade in the Cook Islands. Now she’s studying whether the law is protecting sharks.
What's Killing the West Coast's Young Great White Sharks?May 09, 2018 – Sharks are one of the ocean's fiercest predators, but a new study shows how often they're taken down by fishing nets.
Giant Ancient Shark Tooth Mysteriously StolenMarch 14, 2018 – Australian authorities say the tooth's monetary value "would not be very high," though it may be prized by collectors.
New Species of Shark Discovered in Deep SeaFebruary 26, 2018 – The discovery of the Atlantic sixgill shark teaches us more about sharks as a whole, and could help with future conservation efforts.
12 Jaw-Dropping Photos of SharksJune 06, 2017 – New book from photographer Brian Skerry gets up close with the ocean’s greatest predators.
Shark Attacks Shark in Dramatic VideoJuly 27, 2016 – A deadly encounter between a tiger shark and a hammerhead was recorded in the Gulf of Mexico.
FrenzyApril 16, 2018 – A rare look at the violent, chaotic collision of hungry sharks and breeding groupers in a French Polynesian channel