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Brazil Leads World in Reducing Carbon Emissions by Slashing DeforestationJune 05, 2014 – Brazil leads the world in reducing carbon emissions by slowing deforestation in a process that saw continued growth of beef and soy industries.
How Amazon forest loss may affect water—and climate—far awayAugust 27, 2019 – A surge in deforestation under Brazil's president could "tip" the Amazon, affecting weather and water supplies—in Brazil and beyond.
Desertification, explainedMay 31, 2019 – Humans are driving the transformation of drylands into desert on an unprecedented scale around the world, with serious consequences. But there are solutions.
This map shows millions of acres of lost Amazon rainforestApril 26, 2019 – New data illustrates in painful detail the accelerated loss of Brazil’s forest cover.
Palm oil is destroying rainforests. But try going a day without it.December 13, 2018 – After spending years reporting on the controversial ingredient, a journalist grapples with her own consumption.
World food crisis looms if carbon emissions go unchecked, UN saysAugust 08, 2019 – The impacts of climate change on land will raise food prices and risk widespread food instability, says the IPCC's latest report. But there are solutions.
Tree-planting programs can do more harm than goodApril 26, 2019 – Conventional wisdom holds that all tree planting is good for fighting climate change and supporting wildlife, but research shows some techniques can be a problem.
This river in New Zealand is a legal person. How will it use its voice?April 22, 2019 – Soon, the government will grant a mountain legal personhood as well. Here's how it happened, and what it may mean.
How can coffee plantations be more bird-friendly?April 29, 2019 – A rare look at more than 57,000 birds in Costa Rica provides new insights into how coffee plantations affect tropical bird biodiversity.
Explore how the world’s forests have transformed over the past two decadesApril 19, 2022 – These maps and graphics take you on a tour of Earth’s forests—for better and for worse. See the countries that have the most intact forests, and those losses are mounting the fastest.
The Unique Ways This Amazonian Family Adapts to Climate ChangeSeptember 28, 2018 – From logging to cattle ranching, this family is trying to grow their businesses without sacrificing the pristine rainforest in which they live.
See orangutans, jaguars, and other jungle animals in their natural habitatsApril 18, 2019 – As deforestation has slashed forests around the world, many jungle animals struggle to survive.
Protesters battle police in a fight for an ancient forestOctober 08, 2018 – Parts of Germany's Hambach forest have been untouched for 12,000 years, but plans to expand a coal mine could make the forest a thing of the past.
This island was on the brink of disaster. Then, they planted thousands of trees.December 19, 2018 – Situated in the Zanzibar Archipelago, the island of Kokota has become an example of people adapting to climate change.
Rainforests, explainedMay 15, 2019 – Rainforests play an invaluable role in sustaining life, but every year large portions of them are cut down for logging, mining, and cattle ranches.
Brazil's new leader promised to exploit the Amazon—but can he?October 31, 2018 – President-elect Jair Bolsonaro wants to harvest the rain forest’s riches, raising fears among environmentalists and indigenous communities. Are they justified?