What you need to know about volcano tourism in Iceland
As seen in recent eruptions, seismic activity in the country is hotting up. From travel advice to ‘volcano tourism’, here’s what you need to know about visiting Iceland.
Volcanic activity in Iceland has been rumbling on for months, centred around the Reykjanes Peninsula near Reykjavík, in the southwest of the country. After multiple earthquakes, the most recent series of eruptions kicked off at the end of 2023, when an explosion along a 2.5-mile fissure sent lava into the air a couple of miles northeast of the fishing village of Grindavík; another followed shortly afterwards.
Now, a new fissure near Sýlingarfell, northeast of Grindavík, has begun spewing lava and smoke.
What’s the background?
In 2021, after 6,000 years lying dormant, the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system on the Reykjanes Peninsula sprang back into life with the appearance of a 600ft-long fissure. Until that moment, the region hadn’t seen an eruption for over 800 years. Three small blasts followed (in 2021, 2022 and the summer of 2023), each producing fountains of fire.
A nine-mile dike (an underground pathway that allows magma to travel towards the surface) on the Reykjanes Peninsula was discovered to be the underlying cause, and since then there have been further eruptions that have reached the town of Grindavík. If additional volcanic activity occurs, it’s likely to take place in this region.
What does it mean for travellers?
So far, the greatest disruption has been to the residents of Grindavík, who were evacuated prior to the December eruption. Following recent blasts, some homes here have been destroyed by lava. The nearby Blue Lagoon, the country’s most popular attraction, has briefly closed, on and off, as a precautionary response to the eruptions, but has not been otherwise impacted. Reykjavík and the international airport, meanwhile, were unaffected.
Some passengers on flights that have flown over eruption sites have been treated to spectacular scenes from their window seats.
‘Volcano tourists’ have since converged on the area, hoping for a glimpse of the lava. However, Icelandic police warned people to “think four times” before attempting to get close to the sites, after an exhausted hiker had to be rescued by helicopter.
What happens next?
As volcanoes can be unpredictable, it’s hard to say with 100% certainty. “Most volcanologists seem to agree that this period of volcanic activity is going to go on for many years, if not decades,” says Dr Robin Andrews, a volcanologist. But, “it’s difficult to study the systems where there’s no central volcano.”
Is there likely to be a repeat of the 2010 ash cloud?
Experts in the fields of volcanology and aviation agree that a repeat of the events that followed the Eyjafjallajökull eruption likely won’t happen again. Back then, a six-day shutdown of European airspace, due to the presence of ash in quantities sufficient to cause engine failure in planes, caused the cancellation of some 100,000 flights.
The fact that the volcanoes involved in the most recent eruptions don't open onto a large ice sheet, as Eyjafjallajökull does, minimises the amount of ash likely to be ejected — when ice melts into a volcano, the magma cools rapidly and forms fine ash particles. Additionally, the world of aviation has seen advancements in technology since 2010, and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency has confirmed it’s better prepared for a volcanic ash event.
Is it safe to go to Iceland?
Volcanic activity is currently largely isolated to the Reykjanes Peninsula. Beyond this region, Iceland is safe and its main tourist sites remain open.
Dr Andrews recommends that anyone planning to travel to the country monitors the advice of the Icelandic Meteorological Office, which shares comprehensive data on the latest activity. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office travel pages are also updated as conditions change. While in Iceland, monitor local news and heed local authority guidance.
“There’s a lot of uncertainty,” says Snorri Valsson, of the Icelandic Tourist Board. “It’s a localised seismic event limited to the area around Grindavík — in the rest of the island, it’s business as usual. But it’s understandable that some people might be disturbed by the news.”
What about insurance?
Always make sure you take out comprehensive insurance when booking a trip to ensure you’re covered before departure. At least £2,500 is a good level of protection for short-haul trips. Ensure the policy covers repatriation in the event you need to head home early.
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