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What causes earthquakes?September 12, 2024 – Thousands of temblors occur every day. Here’s what you need to know about where they usually take place and how they're measured.
AI is helping seismologists find the next monster earthquakeOctober 15, 2024 – Some earthquakes are imperceptibly quiet. We may not feel them, but machines might detect them—and they can point scientists to a potential "Big One".
How do gold nuggets form? Earthquakes may be the keySeptember 02, 2024 – Scientists have finally solved a long-standing mystery about the geologic process behind these large pieces of gold found in quartz rock.
Extreme weather is coming for our homes. Experts weigh in on how to prepare.February 23, 2024 – In recent years, 1 in 10 U.S. homes have been affected by weather-related disasters, from flooding to hurricane-force winds to wildfires.
Japan's 2011 megaquake left a scar at the bottom of the sea. Scientists finally explored it.January 22, 2024 – A towering cliff in the Japan Trench of the Pacific Ocean “is unlike anything that’s been observed by science before.”
Do earthquake warning apps really work?September 21, 2023 – Your phone can now warn you seconds before a destructive quake hits—but it depends on where in the world you live.
Japan spent decades making itself earthquake resilient. Here's how.January 04, 2024 – The country has earned a reputation as one of the most disaster-ready nations in the world due to its seismic codes and culture of preparedness, much of which was built on knowledge from previous disasters.
Here’s what makes earthquakes so devastating in HaitiAugust 14, 2021 – The island nation lies near the juncture of two shifting tectonic plates—setting the stage for devastating temblors.
What to do during an earthquake: Simple steps to stay protectedSeptember 12, 2019 – Temblors frequently strike around the world. These suggestions will help you prepare for the next quake that might rattle your town.
Deepest earthquake ever detected struck 467 miles beneath JapanOctober 25, 2021 – If confirmed, the temblor would be a shock to geologists who thought rocks that deep inside Earth were too putty-like to break and shake.
Earthquake lights, explainedApril 16, 2019 – Mysterious lights that dance in the days or hours leading up to earthquakes take many different shapes and colors.
Greece and Turkey earthquake driven by wild tectonics of the Aegean SeaOctober 30, 2020 – The magnitude 7.0 temblor occurred in an area of complex geologic movement, where multiple tectonic plates crack the surface as they jostle for position.
Weird ‘boomerang’ earthquake detected under the Atlantic OceanAugust 10, 2020 – The temblor shot eastward across a deep gash in the seafloor, and then zipped back to where it started at incredible speeds. It moved so fast it created the geologic version of a sonic boom.
Why so many earthquakes are rocking Puerto RicoJanuary 11, 2020 – A series of tremors has rattled the island for more than a week—and there may be more to come.
Why Iceland's latest eruption may be the most dangerous in recent historyDecember 19, 2023 – The December 18 explosion is the region’s fourth in three years—and has fired out 10 times more lava per second than any of the past three at their peaks. Here's what happens next.
Weird earthquake just put a crack in FranceNovember 15, 2019 – An uncommonly shallow temblor rattled the country, sending scientists buzzing as they began hunting down its source.