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Why do animals eat their own poop—and other animals’ too?October 30, 2024 – This natural survival strategy, known as coprophagy, reveals how wildlife makes the most of every available resource.
Can you guess the animal based on its close-up?October 31, 2024 – Let's put your animal knowledge to the test. Take our quiz and see if you can identify the scaly critters and furry mammals featured in our close-up photos.
How much do you really know about baby animals?November 06, 2024 – When can you start training a puppy? Why is the internet obsessed with Pesto the penguin? Time to test your baby animal knowledge.
5 clever animals that treat and prevent their own illnessesSeptember 05, 2024 – From chimps tending wounds with bug juice to birds using cigarettes to ward of ticks and lice, animals have adapted creative ways to ward off health threats.
The wild ways animals get buzzed on natureJuly 31, 2024 – Learn about the surprising ways wild animals experience natural intoxicants, from fermented fruits to hallucinogenic plants.
As extreme weather ramps up, animal rescuers are struggling to save our petsJuly 22, 2024 – With wildfires, heat waves, and tornadoes on the rise, welfare organizations in the U.S. are overwhelmed caring for displaced dogs, cats, and other animals.
Is it a plains rat—or a palyoora? Why Australia is turning to Aboriginal animal namesJuly 22, 2024 – The movement to reclaim Aboriginal names for wildlife is gaining steam in Australia. Here’s why conservationists believe it really can make a difference.
Which animals were on Noah's ark? These are history’s theories.March 27, 2024 – Only two animals are mentioned by name in the biblical tale—so for centuries artists have filled in the gaps with both fantastic tales and emerging science.
These fish are 'living fossils'—among the most primitive animals on EarthMarch 27, 2024 – For 150 million years, gars—a group commonly derided as “trash fish”—have mostly stayed the same, a rare consistency not even seen in sharks, a new study says.
Why we're hardwired to love baby animalsOctober 18, 2024 – Cute features in babies and animals are more than just amusing—they trigger powerful evolutionary responses that help our species’ survival.
What are animals saying? AI may help decode their languagesOctober 15, 2024 – A groundbreaking research project is finally building the tools to translate just how whales and other creatures communicate.
Surprising ways animals react to solar eclipsesApril 05, 2024 – Giraffes, spiders, and even whales have been seen changing their behavior when the sky goes dark during totality.
Frans de Waal, biologist who championed animal intelligence and emotion, dies at 75March 21, 2024 – The primatologist found parallels between human behavior and that of our evolutionary cousins.
These wasps tolerate high amounts of alcohol—without getting a hangoverOctober 21, 2024 – Oriental wasps may have evolved a genetic mutation to handle their liquor, thanks to a beneficial relationship with yeast.
Polar bears live on ice—but new conditions are injuring themNovember 04, 2024 – Warming temperatures may be changing the ways ice forms, making it more likely to stick to and injure polar bears in two far north populations.
What is your cat telling you? New technology deciphers meowsOctober 23, 2024 – Is your cat saying “feed me!” or “I love you?” A new AI-powered app promises to demystify what your feline is saying.