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Volcanoes blow smoke rings. Here's how they do it.April 08, 2024 – These ghostly hoops have been spotted above volcanic events around the world. But how they form has long been a mystery.
A 280-mile-long volcano may have been discovered on Mars—hiding in plain sightMarch 20, 2024 – The colossal volcano is taller than Mount Everest, would reach from New York City to Washington, D.C., and may be a promising site to look for ancient remnants of microbial life.
What you need to know about volcano tourism in IcelandFebruary 08, 2024 – As seen in recent eruptions, seismic activity in the country is hotting up. From travel advice to ‘volcano tourism’, here’s what you need to know about visiting Iceland.
Waiting Volcano | Nat Geo Photo of the DayA woman climbs Popocatépetl, an active volcano in central Mexico, in this image from our photography archives.
Vibrant Volcano | Nat Geo Photo of the DayScientists stand near a sparking Mount Etna, Italy, in this image from our photography archives.
Scientists found life in a volcano’s ‘lava tubes’—life on other planets could be nextMay 01, 2024 – A Canary Islands volcano pushed rivers of molten lava through the earth. Now scientists and explorers trek through the cooling underground, looking for insights into life on this planet—and perhaps on others.
These crystal lava shards are ‘four dimensional videos’ of a volcano’s underworldSeptember 11, 2023 – The 2021 volcanic blast in the Canary Islands entombed more than 2,800 buildings in lava and ash. Now scientists are searching for clues to understand what made La Palma’s first eruption in 50 years so powerful.
How to get front-row seats to an active volcano in GuatemalaMay 15, 2024 – This challenging hike offers a rare opportunity to witness one of the world’s most active geologic wonders.
A hydrothermal blast rocked Yellowstone. It won’t be the last.July 29, 2024 – Hydrothermal explosions are a regular occurrence at Yellowstone and other volcanic areas. But scientists aren’t sure exactly what triggers them or how to predict the next big one.
You can ski down a dormant volcano in Erciyes, Turkey's best ski destinationDecember 01, 2023 – Dormant volcano Erciyes offers a towering ski experience, modern facilities and miles of well-groomed pistes — all of which are within day-tripping reach of the UNESCO-listed sites at Cappadocia.
Today, it’s a massive volcano on Mars—but it may have once been an islandAugust 03, 2023 – An escarpment around Olympus Mons appears similar to those around volcanic islands on Earth.
Dramatic photos show La Palma volcano’s ongoing eruptionNovember 22, 2021 – “I never dreamed about being so close to something like this,” says photographer Arturo Rodríguez. “It’s so big, so powerful.”
Mount Bromo Landscape | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayA drone captures Indonesia's Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
Fire Volcano Image | National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the DayLava and ash spew from Guatemala's Volcán de Fuego in this National Geographic Your Shot Photo of the Day.
A huge volcano near Naples has been convulsing. What does it mean?October 20, 2023 – Although experts believe “the probability of a volcanic eruption is relatively low,” the relentless inflation and recent shaking of Italy's Campi Flegrei caldera raise questions for experts—and locals.