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Giant PandaLearn why these much-loved animals are endangered in their bamboo forest homes. Discover the panda’s surprising skill at swimming and climbing.
Red pandaDiscover the red panda, far smaller creature than its famous black-and-white cousin. Find out how demand for wood is threatening this forest-dweller with extinction.
Panda Lake | Nat Geo Photo of the DayTourists visit Panda Lake in China's Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve in this image from our photography archives.
Panda Mother | Nat Geo Photo of the DayA mother panda tends to her baby at a research center in China in this image from our photography archives.
Peaceful Panda | Nat Geo Photo of the DayA young captive panda in China's Wolong Nature Reserve enjoys bamboo in the sunshine in this image from our photography archives.
Baby Panda | Nat Geo Photo of the DayTai Shan, the first giant panda to survive infancy at Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C., seemingly waves to his fans in this image from our photography archives.
When is a ‘panda’ not a panda—and are any pandas actually bears?March 11, 2022 – The diminutive red panda is now the star of its own film. But what does it have in common with its bigger namesake—and are either of them related to bears? Here we delve into one of the most etymologically tricky names in the animal kingdom.
A Ponderous PandaAn endangered red panda lounges on a tree branch in India's Darjeeling Zoo in this National Geographic Photo of the Day.
Nat Geo Kids
Red PandaThese mammals spend most of their time in trees and are famous for their incredible acrobatic skills.China declares pandas no longer endangered—but threats persistSeptember 01, 2021 – Competition with native wildlife could deter efforts to boost populations of the famous black-and-white bear in its native habitat.
The Unusual Difficulty Of Photographing PandasAugust 21, 2018 – Photographer Ami Vitale spent three years taking snapshots of pandas in China, a process both heart-warming and surprisingly challenging.
Giant panda Mei Xiang gives birth at National ZooAugust 21, 2020 – The blind, hairless baby born in Washington, D.C., is extremely fragile and completely dependent on her mother.
Popsicles and belly rubs: The joys of watching a panda grow upAugust 06, 2020 – Almost everybody loves pandas. After a year documenting a newborn cub, a photographer remembers when she did too.
Nat Geo Kids
Comeback critter: Giant pandaMarch 28, 2023 – Kind humans help these gentle giants bounce back in the wild.Red Pandas, Lincoln Children's ZooSee a picture of twin red pandas photographed in studio at Nebraska's Lincoln Children's Zoo, by Joel Sartore from National Geographic.