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Newly discovered spookfish shines light on mysterious ghost sharksOctober 29, 2024 – Found off New Zealand, the species adds crucial knowledge about this little-known and odd-looking group of deep-sea fish
These sharks have rare earth metals in their organs. Is your old cell phone the culprit?August 14, 2024 – Elements that power cell phones and electric cars have been found in sharks off the coast of Brazil, but their source and impact remains a mystery.
A remote Pacific island is attracting supersized sharks. Scientists want to know why.June 26, 2024 – Off Norfolk Island in the South Pacific, tiger sharks grow an average of two feet longer than those on the Great Barrier Reef. We've only started unraveling the mystery.
How much do you really know about baby animals?November 06, 2024 – When can you start training a puppy? Why is the internet obsessed with Pesto the penguin? Time to test your baby animal knowledge.
How billions of dollars and cutting-edge tech are revolutionizing ocean explorationAugust 15, 2024 – What lurks beneath the waves? State-of-the-art robots, ships, and submersibles are helping a new generation of explorers finally understand the most mysterious habitat on Earth.
Sharks found with cocaine in their systems. How did that happen?July 23, 2024 – Illegal drug-production labs may be releasing substances into the water that could harm Brazilian sharpnose sharks and other marine animals.
Baby great white shark reveals huge nursery near NYC in scientific firstJune 24, 2024 – Liberty, named for the famous New York City statue, wore a camera tag to show researchers where hundreds of other young sharks grow up right next to the Big Apple.
Single orca seen killing great white shark for first time everMarch 01, 2024 – A South African killer whale already famous for surgically extracting shark livers has a new trick up its sleeve—but it could harm shark populations.
This is how we can share our coasts with sharksMay 22, 2024 – As sharks’ prey species recover and beach tourism increases, we're learning how to keep both ourselves and sharks safe from harm.
This might be the first newborn great white shark ever recordedJanuary 29, 2024 – The 5-foot great white was filmed off the coast of California covered in a strange, milky substance that could be uterine fluid.
20 of the coolest travel adventures for 2024January 30, 2024 – From a horseback safari in Kenya to river rafting in West Virginia, here’s our ranked list of the top travel experiences right now.
Sharks are still being killed at high rates—despite bans on finningJanuary 11, 2024 – Shark fishing regulations, including bans on cutting off fins, increased tenfold since 2000. Yet a new study shows that deaths may have actually ticked up as new markets for shark meat emerge.
Hammerhead SharksLearn how this shark uses its unusual noggin, and it sensory organs, to drop the hammer on stingrays and other unfortunate prey.
500 baby sharks to be released: An exclusive look at an unprecedented missionMarch 16, 2023 – A team spanning 15 countries is raising endangered sharks from aquariums and reintroducing them to the wild, starting in Indonesia. It's never been done at this scale, but experts think the plan might work.
Blacktip SharkScientists suspect most shark bites in Florida can be pinned on the this shark species. Learn more about the blacktip.